Depravity’s Rainbow – A Dark History of Space Travel
Photography is a curious shape shifter. It can fit and mould…

A Portrait that has Nothing to Prove
... what I am intrigued by is her presence in this portrait,…

MATCAxC4 #11: Revisiting Practical Ethics in Photography
Xuan Tung writes on mindful portrayals of underserved communities…

Imagining a Road to Freedom – Jeanine Michna-Bales’ Through Darkness to Light: Photographs Along the Underground Railroad
In the dying days of 2017 I decided to embark on an American…

MATCAxC4 #10: On Historical Representations of Nature and their Significance to us Now
Every single creature in Richard and Cherry Keartons' photographic…

MATCAxC4 #8: Approaching Queer Photography in Embraces
Queer people, despite being a minority in society, are undeniably…

On Gunge: Recent zines by Sam Hutchinson
The Leeds-based artist Sam Hutchinson released the zine Marx’s…

MATCAxC4 JOURNAL#7: Breaking Socio-economic Barriers into Photography
It was three years ago that arts organisation Create London…